The Art of Remembering 9/11 - Seven Heaven Senses

The Art of Remembering 9/11

Jan 11, 2023

On the morning of September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked by terrorists. My memories before that day have always been clear and vivid – from grabbing breakfast with my friends to enjoying a beautiful sunrise in my hometown. But I remember feeling something different just days before the attack. Something that seemed out of place then but makes perfect sense now.


The 9/11 Attack


It’s been nearly eighteen years since the attacks of September 11, 2001 – yet the memories remain fresh in our minds. About 2,983 innocent people were killed on that fateful day, and countless more were left struggling with grief and trauma. To this day, these events remind us of the massive tragedy we experienced and will continue to commemorate year after year. 

Although those who perished on 9/11 come from various backgrounds and had different goals in life – one thing unites them: their ultimate sacrifice on that fateful day. Two days after the event, President George W Bush declared a National Day of Prayer for Peace to honor those affected by the tragedy. Since then, every year, we’ve gathered together as one nation to remember all those who lost their lives in that horrific attack and pay tribute to their courage and strength. 

September 11 marks an important date for American citizens, not only because of its sadness but also because it has served as a reminder to stay resilient even in times of hardship. Although nothing can truly replace those we lost or diminish our pain from that day, honoring them reminds us how far we’ve come since then and how much further there is still to go to overcome our struggles. 

September 11 also serves as a symbol of compassion, not just within our borders but worldwide. In addition to acts of kindness being done here at home during such a difficult period, many countries around the world offered condolences when they heard about the news and reached out to provide support. This gesture showed just how united humanity could be when facing adversity – no matter what language we speak or where we come from.


The Art of Remembering 9/11


My art piece, “The Art of Remembering 9/11,” reflects these feelings of unease and sorrow that I remember a few days leading up to the attack. 

This artwork is not merely an attempt to commemorate those we lost but also reminds us how lucky we are to be alive today. Whenever I look at it or think about it, I am reminded to be grateful for what I have and not take this moment for granted, unlike those who perished eighteen years ago. That day changed us all in irreparable ways, some more than others – especially those families directly affected by it. 

I wanted this artwork to evoke more than a sense of dread or fear when thinking about 9/11; instead, I chose a more hopeful sentiment rooted in resilience and strength. As living witnesses (and survivors) to this tragedy, let us keep these values within ourselves – values such as honoring our heroes’ sacrifice, being there for one another as neighbors even during times of turmoil, and never forgetting what happened on that day so we can make sure nothing like it ever happens again anywhere in the world. Through art, we can remember and honor those we lost on September 11 and remind ourselves never to forget that day’s importance in our lives today.


“On that terrible day, a nation became a neighborhood, all Americans became New Yorkers.” Former New Yor Governor, George Pataki


Love and light,

Donna Cali is an Italian artist and chef who composes one-of-a-kind art pieces inspired by nature, music, and everything in between. Her food is authentic to her Calabrian roots, while infusing creative and exotic flavors, creating unique spins on classic dishes.

Art inspired by your own story

I believe that each and every story is worth being told. Let me help you bring your story to life with a beautiful piece of artwork.

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