Finding Healing Through Art: Nurturing Our Children’s Seven Senses

Finding Healing Through Art: Nurturing Our Children’s Seven Senses

Oct 19, 2023

On a quiet day, I found myself talking with close friends at my go-to place–the Salt Cave at Float State in Corona, CA. We shared stories and dreams, and one topic was close to my heart: the special connection between art and children.


You might think art is just about painting or making things. But to me, art is much more. It’s about enjoying the outdoors, the sun’s warmth, the rustling of leaves, spending time with animals, listening to fun tunes, and playing games. It’s also about the good food we make and eat!


I’ve always cared deeply about kids. When we introduce them to the joys of art early on, they grow stronger and happier. They can face life’s ups and downs better.


That’s why I’ve decided to bring together my love for art and my passion for helping kids. Besides painting and making crafts, I also love cooking. I want to share these joys with kids, so they can explore, learn, and have fun.


I believe there are seven special ways we can feel and understand the world:



Listening to sounds like music, animals, or even the rain.



Watching the beauty around us, like colorful birds or a bright rainbow.



Touching things like soft fur, cool water, or the bark of a tree.



Enjoying different flavors, sweet fruits or tasty treats.



Breathing in nice scents like flowers or freshly baked cookies.



Feeling happy, sad, excited, or calm and expressing those feelings.


And Beyond

Those special moments when we just feel amazed or wonder about the world.


With dreams of a foundation on the horizon, I envision a haven where children can explore these senses and harness the therapeutic magic of art to sculpt their futures. As I continue my journey, I pledge to share my blessings, to guide the young in harnessing their innate creativity, and to inspire them to paint their own masterpieces, both on canvas and in life.


For in the harmonious dance of art and children, lies the symphony of a brighter, more colorful tomorrow.


Love and light,

Donna Cali is an Italian artist and chef who composes one-of-a-kind art pieces inspired by nature, music, and everything in between. Her food is authentic to her Calabrian roots, while infusing creative and exotic flavors, creating unique spins on classic dishes.

Art inspired by your own story

I believe that each and every story is worth being told. Let me help you bring your story to life with a beautiful piece of artwork.

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