My Sources of Inspiration - Seven Heaven Senses

My Sources of Inspiration

Jun 7, 2022

I have many sources of inspiration that help me create. Art helps me express myself in ways that I never thought possible. It allows me to tap into my emotions and feelings and create something beautiful. Art is my passion, and it drives me to be the best that I can be.

With art, I can express how I’m feeling at that exact moment and keep a memory of that time. Rather than talk about it, it’s easier to put it on paper to release the feeling completely but not forget it, to be able to look back on it in the future. 

It can be something as simple as a drawing or painting or something more complex like designing a dress. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it’s an art and I pour my heart into it.

My Sources of Inspiration

People as my source of inspiration


People are my most significant source of inspiration. I love hearing people’s stories and learning about their lives. I love the energy that people give out and their positivity. Everyone has their own unique story to tell, and I believe that everyone’s story is worth telling. Art allows me to share these stories with the world beautifully and creatively.

Nature as my source of inspiration


I also find inspiration in nature and its natural feeling of peace and calmness. The beauty of the world around us is simply breathtaking, and it never fails to inspire me. I love exploring new places and seeing all the different sights that nature offers. Each place has its unique beauty, and I enjoy capturing that beauty through my art.



Music is another one of my biggest inspirations. I love listening to music and letting it take me on a journey. Music can evoke powerful emotions, and I love listening to it while I paint. I often find myself inspired by the lyrics of songs, the melodies that I hear, and the vibration of the sounds. Music is a huge part of my life, and it always manages to inspire me in some way.



The culinary world also inspires me. I love trying new foods and exploring different flavors. Cooking is an art form, and I enjoy experimenting with other ingredients to create something new. I find inspiration in the colors of food, the textures, and how it tastes. The culinary world is a never-ending source of inspiration for me.



I love to daydream and let my mind wander. I often come up with new ideas for art projects that I want to do. My imagination is a powerful tool that I use to create truly unique art.



My senses also inspire me. I love to smell the flowers, feel the rain on my skin, and taste the sweetness of a ripe strawberry. I find inspiration in the world around me, and I use my senses to help me create fantastic art.

These are just a few of the things that inspire me daily. Without inspiration, art would simply be a hobby. But with inspiration, art becomes so much more. It becomes a part of who you are and what you do. It is a way to express yourself, share your stories, and connect with the world around you. Inspiration makes art so special, and it is what drives me to continue creating.

How about you, what are your sources of inspiration when creating?

Why Seven Heaven Senses?

I chose Seven Heaven Senses because I believe that our Seven Senses inspire creativity:

  1. Hearing
  2. Seeing
  3. Feeling
  4. Tasting
  5. Smelling
  6. Emotions
  7. And beyond

Heavenbecause I chose to put trust in Heaven and the other side during challenging times.

Would you like to check out some of my artwork?

Donna Cali is an Italian artist and chef who composes one-of-a-kind art pieces inspired by nature, music, and everything in between. Her food is authentic to her Calabrian roots, while infusing creative and exotic flavors, creating unique spins on classic dishes.

Art inspired by your own story

I believe that each and every story is worth being told. Let me help you bring your story to life with a beautiful piece of artwork.

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