How My Culinary Experience Influenced My Art - Seven Heaven Senses

How My Culinary Experience Influenced My Art

Jun 7, 2022

My love for cooking and baking

My art and culinary experience started when I was young. While my parents were busy taking care of their bakery in Italy, I enjoyed my own company drawing and doodling. Growing up, I started showing an interest in baking.

I began my culinary journey by learning how to make dough and shape different types of bread from my father. Then, as I progressed, I started learning how to make desserts, cookies, and pastries. As someone who constantly seeks challenges, I started learning how to cook at 18. From then on, baking and cooking have been part of my life.

Art and Culinary

Making food puts all of your senses together, creating a dish harmoniously. That’s an art form in itself, and with art, you have to translate your senses and emotions onto your paper.

One of the things that I love about baking is the science behind it. I am constantly measuring and mixing ingredients and trying new recipes. This attention to detail and experimentation has translated into my art practice. Whether working with paint or designing new dresses, I always look for new techniques and ways to express my creativity.

In addition to the scientific aspect, cooking and baking are also very creative endeavors. I love coming up with new flavor combinations or finding new ways to improve a dish and set it apart from other recipes I’ve made or recipes other chefs make. This creativity is something that I feel like I bring to my art as well.

Overall, my experience with cooking and baking has significantly influenced my art. From the attention to detail to the creativity, these are things that I believe have helped me become a better artist.

The restaurant and my art

I display some of my artwork in our restaurant. I love seeing people’s reactions when they get to experience my art and food simultaneously. They can see all the emotion that goes into the art and food and look at the bright colors and bold images on the walls. It makes me happy to see people enjoying my art in this way. And I hope that they can get a sense of how much joy cooking and baking bring to me.

Seven Heaven Senses

A smell can bring back memories and nostalgia of a moment, and certain colors can relate to specific things, like greenery in a forest or bright colors to represent flowers. I want my art to make people feel something, and hopefully, by adding in the element of smell, they can connect with my art on a deeper level.

Creating art is a very personal experience for me. It’s a way for me to express myself and share my emotions with the world. And I think that my experience with cooking and baking has definitely helped shape the art that I create.

Would you like to check out some of my artwork?

Donna Cali is an Italian artist and chef who composes one-of-a-kind art pieces inspired by nature, music, and everything in between. Her food is authentic to her Calabrian roots, while infusing creative and exotic flavors, creating unique spins on classic dishes.

Art inspired by your own story

I believe that each and every story is worth being told. Let me help you bring your story to life with a beautiful piece of artwork.

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